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Formation longue Open Dialogue - 2025 - Niveau 1


The "Foundation Training OPEN DIALOGUE", a so-called level 1 training consisting of an introduction to the concepts of Open Dialogue.

"Open Dialogue" is emerging in Finland, thanks to the team of Prof. Jaakko Seikkula, on better ways of understanding and responding to psychosis, schizophrenia and psychological distress. The treatment meetings are respectful of the experiences, the lived experience and the voice of the person in a vulnerable situation. Family and friends can participate in the meetings and all actors, including team members, have the same opportunity to be heard without a clear hierarchy of decision-making. Open Dialogue is a collaborative, very practical and integrative form of individual, systemic and family psychotherapy. Priority is given to dialogue before any other form of intervention.

How can a dialogue be so transformative? Why do some issues generate more dialogue than others? How do we give voice to experiences that do not yet have words? How can we develop more horizontal collaborative relationships and create a community of support for the mentally ill?

Questions like these inspire us to seek more dialogical ways of acting in our clinical practice. This is how we came across the open dialogue approach - a model of mental health practice that has been developed, widely studied and evaluated since the 1980s.

Initially implemented in the Lapland region of Finland, it has been adapted over the past decade and introduced in several European countries, as well as in the United States, Australia, Japan and countries in Latin America. Open dialogue proposes a mode of practice in which treatment decisions are constructed collectively in meetings. The idea is to have all conversations and decisions openly in the presence of the clients who need help, family members and other relevant social networks, as well as the professionals involved. Meetings are scheduled as soon as the team is contacted and, through thoughtful conversations, we seek to establish a dialogue between all, in which flexibility, polyphony, continuity. The values and principles for its realization include psychological awareness, co-responsibility and tolerance of uncertainty.

We invite you to a training that has been thought from the theoretical and clinical experience of trainers and assistants, and that is promoted and coordinated by the Association U_P. The modules will consist of theory-practice articulation, group dynamics and reflection exercises.

Through collaborative learning, this training aims to broaden the possibilities of a more dialogic therapeutic practice in the field of mental health and to build a reflective space in which it is expected that the philosophy of open dialogue will be experienced among the participants and that they will subsequently be able to develop it in the places where they work.

Public concerned

Previous practical experience in the field of mental health is desirable. Work teams will be most welcome.


 Working in general, child and youth, gerontological or specialized psychiatry, in the social and medico-social sector.

Professionals welcomed:

- Psychiatrists

- Psychologists

- Family therapists

- General practitioners and specialists

- Nurses, nurse managers and nurse coordinators

- Caregivers

- Medical secretary

- Art therapist

- Psychomotrician

- Peer health mediators

- Occupational therapist

- Specialized educators

- Social workers

It is also open to members of Families and Peers who can attest to an active involvement in an association or in group work.

In order to guarantee richness, equal access and quality of exchanges, the maximum number of participants is 40.


Training will be conducted in French.


To access the training, the candidate must:

  • Have been interviewed in order to qualify his or her needs, to know his or her expectations and specific constraints and to ensure that he or she is in line with the training objectives
  • Send back the signed agreement at least 2 months before the beginning of the training.

Pedagogical objectives

On completion of this course, the participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the origins and history of Open Dialogue and its different contexts of practice.
  2. Become familiar with the foundations of the Open Dialogue approach, its basic principles and key elements.
  3. Adopt a dialogical perspective on mental health: understand the non-pathological view of mental health problems, including psychosis, within the dialogical approach.
  4. Explore concepts of polyphony and responsiveness: delve into the concepts of polyphony and the importance of responsiveness in the context of dialog.
  5. Develop dialogic skills that promote the creation of meaningful and constructive dialogues.
  6. Understand and explore the potential of Open Dialogue in different contexts: how the approach can be applied in various clinical and community settings.
  7. Promote collaborative discussions about the mental health context in France: relevant issues (including social ones) and challenges in implementing Open Dialogue in the country's mental health services.
  8. Work collaboratively with professionals, people in care, service users and their relatives/network/communities.
  9. Enhance Understanding of dialogical practices with children and adolescents in different contexts: mental health services, families and institutions
  10. Fostering knowledge about dialogic practices linked to working with addiction.
  11. Recognize the importance of scientific research in the development of dialogical practices, with a special focus on Open Dialogue.

Pedagogical means

Dialogical approach: methodology based on various exercises of reflection on practice, with the aim of linking it to essential concepts.

Working with the person of the therapist/professional: the dialogical approach requires a careful experiential process on the part of the therapist/professional. To this end, the training prioritizes an axis of reflective work based on individual experiences, linked to relational development through exchanges and group work.

Concept and practice of networks: the broadening of the concept of family therapy to include relational and network therapy has brought a focus on “problem-generated systems” and “conversation systems”, where the use of language becomes fundamental. This approach seeks out the resources that exist in the people involved in the conversation as a transformative element.

Focus on experience and relational language: the dialogical approach is intrinsically experiential. Students are expected to understand the philosophical stance that underpins dialogical practices and open dialogues, through group exercises and reflections, reading and knowledge of the trajectory of systemic/collaborative/narrative/dialogical therapy, with an emphasis on contemporary authors. The main aim of the course is to articulate the practice of open conversations for collective problem-solving.



List the pedagogical means

  • Theoretical contributions (power point, scientific literature, films)
  • Sharing of experiences with the participants
  • Teamwork
  • Dialogical frame case studies
  • Work groups reflections
  • Role plays
  • Live consulting

Evaluation methods

  • Theoretical contributions (power point, scientific literature, films)
  • Sharing of experiences with the participants
  • Teamwork
  • Dialogical frame case studies
  • Work groups reflections
  • Role plays
  • Live consulting

lun. 15 sept. 2025

mar. 18 nov. 2025

lun. 19 janv. 2026

lun. 09 févr. 2026

lun. 02 mars 2026

lun. 20 avr. 2026

lun. 18 mai 2026

lun. 08 juin 2026


: sur devis

Professional : 3 800,00 EUR

caregivers : 2 300,00 EUR


Block 1.

from 15 sept. 2025 to 19 sept. 2025

Day 15   

Presentation (and co-construction) of the proposal 

Introduction of the participants/ Expectations

The potential of dialogue in human life

Philosophical and epistemological bases of Dialogical Practices and Open Dialogue 


Day 16  

Listening and responsiveness in clinical practice: dialogical stance towards mental health problems

Reflective Processes



Day 17

Principles and key elements of the Open Dialogue approach and their applicability in local practices I

Block 2.

from 18 nov. 2025 to 21 nov. 2025

Day 18

Building support networks in crisis situations 

Dialogue in crisis situations 


Day 19

Working with people experiencing psychosis

Dialogic Meetings - dialogue generation & dialogic skills I


Day 20 

Habits & Dialogue: Re-thinking addiction 


Day 21

Open Dialogue and addiction: same language?

Live session with a family 

Block 3.

from 19 janv. 2026 to 20 janv. 2026

Day 19

Dialogical practices with children and adolescents in different contexts: families and institutions


Day 20

Dialogical team skills and network building practices in the context of childhood.

Processes of foster care /violence and deinstitutionalization.

Block 4.

from 09 févr. 2026 to 13 févr. 2026

FOT I - Seminar (Family of Origin of the Therapist)


Block 5.

from 02 mars 2026 to 05 mars 2026

Day 2

Open Dialogue and child/adolescent psychiatry.


Day 3

Working collaboratively with young people, their families and other networks; multi-professional cooperation, service development.


Day 4

Family live session

Couple Therapy and Dialogical Practices


Day 5

Collaborating with couples/families from a dialogical viewpoint: what has been my experience?

Block 6.

from 20 avr. 2026 to 24 avr. 2026

Day 23



Day 24


Block 7.

from 18 mai 2026 to 19 mai 2026

Day 18

Exploring professionals’ own life narratives and the impact that these stories have on their current professional practice


Day 19

Development and challenges of building the Open Dialogue approach in the mental health service

Block 8.

from 08 juin 2026 to 12 juin 2026

Day 8

Open Dialogue Researches


Day 9

Dialogue cures – Why?

Live consulting team with Jaakko Seikulla


Day 10

Anticipatory Dialogues


Day 11

Practical Exercise – Teamwork and anticipatory dialogues


Day 12

Evaluation and Closure
