Jaakko Seikkula is professor emeritus of psychotherapy at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, with over 35 years of clinical, research and teaching experience. From 1981 to 1998 he was chief psychologist at Keropudas Hospital, Finland, and is a founding member of the Open Dialogue model for approaching psychotic disorders. He has been a lecturer and trainer in Europe, Asia and America, and has more than 150 published articles and books on the principles, practice, and evidence for the Open Dialogue approach and dialogical practices in mental health. He is also an award winner for research achievement from the European Family Association (EFTA) and the American Family Therapy Academic (AFTA).
Petit message à l'attention de l'internaute
Les GAFAs nous utilisent, nous espionnent, nous formattent et nous manipulent.
Difficile de faire sans à vrai dire, mais à toujours utiliser avec une grande attention.